



STVILLA Sitting Room 塞特维那客厅十九世纪初期 (低地国家)全柚木框架,蒙皮 折衷主义风格
Early 19th (low countries) teakwood frame Rigging eclecticism style
客厅常常是住宅中家人,宾客的聚会空间,最初源自法国的沙龙。对于座位的舒适性要求起源于18世纪下半叶,不过到了路易十五时期才有了重大进展,这时期出现了称为"canapé"和"divan"的椅子,也就是现代沙发的前身。沙龙成为聚会空间后,出现了很多稀奇古怪的新家具。比如"confidante";"marquise":"case use":"turquoise"等。 STVILLA Sitting Room 采用古典家具特有的镂空雕刻和双面浮雕技法,在奢华之中保留了低地国家的民族特色,大量的郁金香花朵显示出浓郁的欧洲风情,全部采用老柚木大料是这款沙发的最大卖点。
The sitting room in the residence is often the space for the guests’ gathering, which originates from French salon. The comfort requirements for seats started in the second half of 18th century, but in the Louis XV period just had a great progress, and this period is called "canapé" and "divan" chair, also is the predecessor of the contemporary sofa. After salon became party space, there are many interesting new furniture appeared. Such as "confidante"; "Marquise”; "case use”; "turquoises" etc. STVILLA Sitting Room uses unique techniques, hollow out sculpture and double-sided anaglyph ,of classic furniture, in luxury in retained the national characteristics of the low countries, a large amount of tulip flowers shows rich Europe amorous feelings, all made by the old teak is the biggest selling point of this sofa.


   STVILLA Royal Furniture - The Choice of Your Villa!
   这句经典广告语,将随着STVILLA 品牌的市场拓展而越来越被广大中国高端消费者所熟知。
   The classic slogan “THE CHOICE OF YOUR VILLA - STVILLA!” is bound to be known by more and more high-end Chinese consumers along with the market expansion of STVILLA brand.
   Hotline: +86-4000-600-828
   Foreign Cooperation: +86-139-1666-2298

◆ 品牌源渊 Brand History »
历史悠久,高端人群的家居首选 Long history standing, the first choice for the higher class group.
STVILLA COLLECTION的渊源,最早可以追溯到1842年的英国。STVILLA COLLECTION的创始人William H Bonney(1788-1860)威廉 H 邦尼先生曾经是一名士兵。在1811年至1816年之间,William H Bonney作为英属东印度公司的一名普通士兵,曾经在英荷爪哇战争之后,驻守在爪哇岛巴达维亚,也就是今天的印度尼西亚首府雅加达Jakarta。回国后,Bonney先生又加入了英国著名的威灵顿公爵的队伍,并参加过滑铁卢战役。退役后,为了生计,1842年,Bonney先生开了一个小型的家庭作坊。
The origin of the STVILLA COLLECTION can be tracked to the 1842 in England for the earliest time. The founder of STVILLA COLLECTION MR William H Bonney (1788-1860) was a soldier. In the year between 1811 an 1816, William H Bonney was a normal soldier of The British east India company.He garrisoned in Batavian java which is today’s capital of Nicaea state in Indian after the Anglo-dutch Java war. When he came back to his homeland, he joined the famous army which led by the duck of Wellington’s and took part in the Battle of Waterloo.In 1842 Mr. Bonney opened a small home-making factory for living after he left the army.
And named his furniture STVILLA, meanwhile he started his business life. In the later time by the recommendation of duck Wellington, the queen Victoria used the furniture produced by bonney’s factory. In 1860 Mr. Bonney died caused by the illness, but none inherited his legacy, so the business eng up with closing.
1999年,Bonney先生的后人,James H Bonney先生目睹了一个奇迹。那就是沉没接近百年的Titanic号的残骸被打捞出水。里面的绝大多数物品已经腐朽不堪,只有一些金属物品还保存完好,却也锈迹斑斑。然后,打捞出水的很多木制品构件却相当完好。这些木制品是什么木头做的,为什么这么耐久,经过近百年的海水腐蚀,还这么好呢?经过研究和分析,James H Bonney 先生发现这些家具竟然是柚木制造的。而且,和家里祖传的一些家具材质一样。James H Bonney先生非常惊喜,于是,他注册成立了STVILLA FURNITURE GROUP(UK )CO.,LTD,开始了STVILLA这个品牌的伟大复兴。STVILLA1999浴水重生了。
Mr Bonney, James H the future generations of Mr. Bonney witnessed a miracle. That is after salvaged the wreckage of Titanic which sank nearly 100 years we can see most of the items inside were rotten, only some metal items are still intact, but also rusty stains. However many of the wood components in the wreckage is quite intact. The wood is made of what kind of wood, why so durable, after nearly a hundred years of seawater corrode, also so well? After research and analysis, Mr. James H Bonney found this furniture unexpectedly is made of teak. Moreover, the materials of the salvaged furniture are just the same as ancestral furniture at home. James H Bonney very surprised, then, he began the great rejuvenation of the brand named STVILLA FURNITURE GROUP incorporated the (UK) CO. STVILLA, LTD,. STVILLA1999 was reborn.
极品原料,奢侈品柚木收藏家具 Gourmet raw material, luxury teak furniture collection
STVILLA家具采用的是号称欧洲人的红木的柚木为家具原材。柚木,英文名TEAK.又称胭脂树、紫柚木、血树,脂树、紫油木(云南)、是一种落叶或半落叶大乔木,树高达40-50米,胸径最高1-1.5 米,干通直。柚木原产缅甸、泰国、印度和印度尼西亚、老挝等,是东南亚的主要造林树种,也是世界上贵重的用材之一。被誉为“万木之王”,在缅甸、印尼被称为“国宝”。
STVILLA furniture uses the, so-called European annatto, teak for furniture raw material. TEAK, English name TEAK. Also called rouge, purple tree, blood TEAK tree, lipid tree, violet oil wood, is a deciduous or half deciduous big arbor, the trees are as high as 40-50 meters, DBH 1 ~ 1.5 meters, the highest dry tong straight. Raw materials are from Burma, India, Indonesia, Thai and Laos. Teak is the main forest tree species in Southeast Asia, is one of the world precious timber. Be known as "million of" king of wood, in Burma, Indonesia has been called the "national treasure".
Because sharply decreasing of teak forest resource, traditional exporters of teak such as Thailand, Indonesia has successively stopped teak logs exports since the 1980s. Burma is currently the only teak logs exporter. The international market with teak logs lumber represent a valuable commodity, price unusually high. In the current Chinese market, teak from primeval forest, it says that the old teak lumber has reached 2.8 million Yuan per cubic, still in the rising process. STVILLA company axed in teak origin directly, using an Indonesian 100% virgin forest old teak. The furniture have extremely high value of collection.
经典造型,原汁原味的欧洲文化 And Classic modeling, authentic European culture
In China's increasingly affluent today, more and more high-end personages start like European life. Villa, the European household top product, in today's China to become a real and the first choice of high-end crowd. The prevalence of European decoration style, let more and more affluent Chinese executives can enjoy and Paris, London, Milan same high living standard. STVILLA curtilage furniture choose to enter the Chinese market just because the huge Chinese European furniture market. And different from the common European furniture in ordinary market, all the styles of STVILLA from Europe, original style is truly European furniture. And unlike the furniture in Chinese furniture market which have the lame English names and copy each others. Every detail, each work, all have very profound historical culture. This in today's China is extremely rare.

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