BALTERIO手刨面表面凹凸有致,手工刨制的纹理不仅雍容华贵,浮雕效果和硬木质感在欧洲同级别豪华地板中也是尤为出众。采用欧洲顶级4V型槽技术,地板视觉效果更宽广,空间感也增强。This exclusive luxurious laminate touches perfection, as it even outshines real wood. With the Chromezone® technology, the shiny pores have a radiant luster, and in combination with the matt finish, it leaves quite an impression and is showing real natural beauty. The Magnitude laminate is True to Nature, and all four sides have a beautiful micro V-groove. The light reflections are magnificent, enhancing the look and feel of your living environment. This is the number 1 amongst laminate flooring!