L&D枫叶石系列通过喷墨印花技术,再现了以加拿大魁北克城其阿巴拉契亚山脉 Appalachian 的枫叶岩石肌理,纹理如枫叶般优美、典雅,在深红和黄色的天然色泽中,彰显枫叶秋景色彩之美。同时,搭配丰富,配合逼真、清晰、齐全的配件,适合高品质建筑的装潢使用。
L&D Maple stone series represent the maple stone textures of Quebec City and the Appalachian in Canada by using the Ink-jet Printing Technology. The texture is graceful and elegant, highlighting the beauty of the autumn scenery against the natural deep red and yellow colors. At the same time, the products are highly integrated with the authentic, clear and complete fittings, quite suitable for the decoration of the high-quality buildings.